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Self Driving Cars demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Self-Driving Cars: What You Need to Know

Believe it or not, self-driving cars may not only be the wave of the future, they may become very prominent in our society very soon. You may or may not have heard about this movement. For some reason, it hasn’t received very much publicity, but there are a number of companies working on the concept. You may…

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Internet Of Things 3 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Ways The IoT is Helping Increase Parking Availability in Major U.S. Cities

Advancing technology is using cloud-based applications to bring innovation to many different industries and sectors of society. In the realm of transportation, mobile apps using the cloud, are solving difficult logistic problems like delivery, public transportation, and even parking. Let’s explore the possibilities by looking at ways the IoT is helping increase parking availability in major…

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Technology Innovation demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

How Technology Innovation is Changing Transportation and Shipping in 2016

The transportation and shipping industries are getting smarter and more innovative every day, thanks to a fruitful partnership between IoT and the ever-expanding sharing economy. The latest developments with these technologies are improving roadways and shipping ways for individuals and businesses alike–including these innovative examples. BlipTrack Sensors Helping Road Engineers in Europe Create Better Traffic Flow Blip…

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On Demand Marketplace demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The On-Demand Marketplace Revolution

The on-demand marketplace is growing exponentially and is now a serious business. Companies around the country and around the world are disrupting traditional business models. Also known as the “sharing economy”, companies are using peer-to-peer models to instantly provide services using people’s spare resources. Whether those resources are a spare room, a spare moment to work…

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