Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking Stacked 0002 White 300 X 219 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Secure, Private Guest Parking Booked in Advance. This is GuestParq by ParqEx


GuestParq​ ​by​ ​ParqEx eliminates the hassle of managing visitor parking and makes guests’ lives easier when they arrive. Reserve private, guest parking spots in advance and their spot will be waiting for them upon arrival. GuestParq also improves security for residents and their visitors, and gives complete insight to property managers who will now know who is entering and exiting the property at all times, in real-time.


Also available online at

Parqexguestparq Hero Full 600 X 732 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

GuestParq’s Private Guest Parking Features

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0002 2 600 X 565 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


GuestParq by ParqEx gives you the ability to book on-property private parking in advance for your visitor from within the ParqEx app. Book guest parking by the hour, day, week, or even month for long-term stays. When it’s time to park your visitor can show up knowing the parking spot is waiting. No more searching for parking, no more risk of not finding parking on the property.

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0003 1 600 X 565 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


Just enter a little information about your guest and the details of their vehicle so that any parking enforcers can easily verify your guest once they park. Don’t know your guest’s vehicle information? That’s OK! You can still book the spot for your guest and this information can be added later. Property managers get full insight into who is parking on the property and when, in real-time. Increase security for you, your neighbors, and your guests!

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0000 4 600 X 565 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


With a tap, transfer the parking spot to your guest. They’ll receive an email and a notification once inside the ParqEx app that your private parking spot has been transferred to them. With a tap, your guest can claim the parking spot, accept the reservation, and relax knowing that when they come to visit, you’ll have their parking spot awaiting their arrival.

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0001 3 600 X 565 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


With GuestParq and the ParqEx app, you can easily review and manage your parking orders and see which reservations you have transferred to your guests at any time.

How GuestParq Private Visitor Parking Works

Number One demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Booking guest parking

No driving around searching for parking and no more risk of not finding a spot on the property. To book guest parking, just open the ParqEx app and choose “Book for a Guest” from your Dashboard menu or simply search for and select your property from the “Find Parking” section of the app.

Number 2 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Set the dates and times

Set the dates and times you need to reserve your visitor parking. Enter the personal and vehicle information for your guest (if you don’t know, you can still book your guest parking and add these details later). Place the order!

Number 3 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Transfer parking to your guest

From the order confirmation screen, simply tap “Transfer to Guest” button and you’re done! (Your guest needs to download the Free ParqEx app to receive the transfer). When your guest arrives, the parking spot will be ready and waiting for them. Property Managers get hands-off knowledge of everyone entering and exiting the property, greatly increasing security for you, your property, and your guests.

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking Logocolor 300 X 76 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The ParqEx app is available now in the app stores or online at


Questions? Call us: (855) 727-7391

Need tech support? Email us here.

Residents, Tenants, & Guests

An easier way for your guests to park

  • The inherent security that GuestParq provides means improved security for you, your neighbors, and the property as a whole
  • GuestParq ensures guests will always have a parking spot waiting for them— no more driving, searching, or having to park off-site due to max capacity on the property
  • With just a few taps on your smart phone, GuestParq lets you reserve and transfer a parking spot to your visitor for when they arrive
  • Eliminates hassles for residents on properties where they’d otherwise have to provide access to or permission for the guest
Building Residents 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Building Multifamilyproperties 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Multifamily Properties

Add an all-new premium amenity for tenants and their guests

  • Streamline the booking and management of guest parking at your property
  • Increase resident satisfaction when parking spots can be reserved for guests in advance with GuestParq
  • GuestParq also provides full transparency into who is and will be parking on your property, resulting in higher on-site security
  • GuestParq eliminates your staff’s time spent on visitor parking and guest management
  • GuestParq provides the option to charge a fee for each booking, earning supplemental revenue that can be used toward offsetting project costs
  • A premium, high-tech amenity, GuestParq is a value-add for current tenants and another selling point for prospects

Condos & HOA

Ramp up security and add a premium amenity for residents

  • GuestParq allows your residents to reserve guest parking on their own, eliminating the hassle of visitor parking management
  • GuestParq creates a new, premium amenity at your property, helping to attract new tenants while retaining current ones
  • Managers gain tremendous insight and security, knowing exactly who is parking on the property and when
  • Choose to charge a fee for each booking and GuestParq instantly generates new revenue for your property
  • Guests have a reserved parking spot waiting for them on-property when they arrive
Building Icons 0001 Vector Smart Object 2 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Building Propertymanagers 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Property Managers

Offer a new, luxury amenity. Monitor guests. Eliminate headaches.

  • GuestParq streamlines the booking and management of your guest parking across one or multiple properties
  • Gain total transparency on all guests and visitors parking on your property, from the ease of the ParqEx app
  • GuestParq adds a luxury amenity to your property, eliminating hassles for guests and creating a desired tech asset for residents
  • GuestParq smooths the parking experience for residents and guests— guests can simply arrive and know their parking spot will be available
  • Property Managers can opt to charge a fee for each GuestParq booking, generating additional income using existing assets— parking spots
  • When your residents can reserve their own guest parking, the hassle of managing visitor parking is entirely erased

Builders & Developers

Secure and streamline guest parking & monitor all visitors

  • GuestParq for builders and developers eliminates the hassles of managing guests, visitors, and service vehicles
  • Reserve parking spots for visitors in advance, providing quicker access to your job site and ramped up security for you
  • Offer a better, safer, more convenience visitor parking experience on your property
  • GuestParq means you know exactly which visitors will be parking at your property and when
  • Lost time = lost bottom line. Focus your time and effort on your business instead of worrying about parking management
Building Buildersanddevelopers 2 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Also from ParqEx

Parqexaccessplusapp Socialcover demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

No more keys, cards, tickets, or fobs.

Access+ gives approved drivers total, secure access to doors, gates, garages, and more— right from the smartphone in the palm of guests hands. Property managers improve security and control of the property, while eliminating the costs associated with staff time and management of legacy entry controls.

Parqexenforcerapp Socialcover 600 X 315 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The real-time parking enforcement app from ParqEx

With the Enforcer App, parking enforcement agencies, property managers, even builders and developers can quickly and easily verify vehicles on one or multiple properties, and issue violations instantly from the palm of their hand.

As seen on:

Press 0000 Nbc News 2013 Logo 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0001 Fast Company 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0002 Sacramento Bee Logo 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0003 Market Watch 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0004 Cbs Chicago 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0005 Crains Chicago Business 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0006 Chicago Tribune 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking Logocolor demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The ParqEx app is available now in the app stores or online at


Questions? Call us: (855) 727-7391

Need tech support? Email us here.