Welcome! A bit about ParqEx.

ParqEx is The Private Parking Marketplace that connects people with underutilized parking spaces to people looking for parking. Watch our short video to see the beauty of the ParqEx platform!

About What Does Parqex Do demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

What is ParqEx?

ParqEx is a technology company that connects owners of private parking spots to people looking for parking. In urban areas where parking demand is high but available options are scarce or expensive, ParqEx makes additional supply available to the driving public by listing exclusive inventory owned by local residents and businesses.

Using ParqEx, parking owners are able to make some supplemental income from an underutilized asset while renters get access to exclusive inventory in more convenient and hard-to-park locations. The ParqEx support team ensures that the entire process of listing, reserving, parking, and paying is as smooth as possible for all involved.

Our Mission 

To solve the urban parking challenge.

We do this by bringing communities together. One of the reasons we want to solve this issue is environmental. Each year will bring upon more drivers and in most neighborhoods and cities, that means a serious parking crunch that is only going to snowball into a bigger problem. But what if, instead of paving more land with parking lots and filling the air with more exhaust as drivers hopelessly look for parking, we could help each other by using what we already have? We believe that the community can share their existing parking spots (and make some supplemental income in the process). You don’t park in your spot all day, so why not list it on ParqEx when you aren’t using it, so that someone who needs a spot can use it?

We don’t need more parking lots, we just need to come together as a community and help each other out. At ParqEx, this is the idea that drives us.

Who is ParqEx?

We are passionate about solving the urban parking problem and we have a ton of fun while at it.

Check out our awesome ParqEx family and feel free to reach out to us if you wish to join us in our journey to change the future of parking.


Meet the Team


What Makes ParqEx Special?

ParqEx believes that when communities come together there is no challenge big enough – including solving urban parking. ParqEx is unique as it helps solve urban parking by not only adding parking supply for the public to use, but also helping communities to earn some additional income. It’s a win-win-win scenario – for drivers, parking owners, and the community as a whole.

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Meet Spot from ParqEx

Spot says, “Arf Rff!” (Get the app!)