Back to school season is in full swing–and with it, a host of parking woes for many students. These early days are among the most difficult in many semesters, but other students find that finding parking is no easier as the semester rolls on. If you’re struggling with any of these common parking problems, however, ParqEx can help you solve them.
Problem #1: The Parking Lot is Full
Many college campuses are more interested in the money they can earn by selling their parking passes than they are in ensuring that every student with a parking pass is able to find parking. Not only that, unauthorized individuals still park in many lots, and security might not be eager to write tickets. If you’re driving around student lots that are stuffed full of cars, ParqEx can help! Instead of trying to find a parking spot in your usual haunts, pull up your ParqEx app and find a spot that will work for you.
Problem #2: Your First Class is Later in the Day
Starting class late in the day sounded great. You wouldn’t have to worry about waking up early and hurrying off to campus, which means the luxury of sleeping later or the chance to get more done in the morning. There’s just one problem: by the time you head to campus, you aren’t sure you’re going to be able to find a parking space! Thankfully, thanks to ParqEx, you can either secure a space when you’re running late and need a space in a hurry or choose to rent a space for the year so that there’s always parking available just for you.
Problem #3: You’re Still Not So Confident in Your Driving Skills
There are spots to be found on campus, but most of them require you to parallel park–which is not your favorite thing to do. Perhaps the average spot available when you slide in for the day is tiny, and you drive a larger-model SUV. If you’ve struggled with the fact that all of the available parking spaces seemed to be designed for people with a lot more driving skill than you have–or at least a lot more confidence–don’t worry! ParqEx includes descriptions and even pictures of the available parking spaces so that you can choose one that will fit your specific driving needs. Don’t like tight spaces or prefer to be able to back into the space so you can pull straight out? There are plenty of spaces available through ParqEx that will fit your needs.
Problem #4: You Aren’t Sure Where You Can Park
Some of the parking lots around campus are clearly labeled, but other spots that appear to be available turn out to be reserved for someone else entirely. Unfortunately, you may have already gotten a ticket for parking in the wrong space–or maybe you’re simply worried about getting in trouble. Fortunately, ParqEx makes finding a space where you’re allowed to park easy! Instead of having to keep driving, potentially missing out on a great space while you find out whether or not you’re able to park there, or gambling that a space will be okay for you to park in, ParqEx will let you pick a parking space that is specifically yours.
Finding the right parking space on campus can be a real headache, especially during the busiest days early in the semester. Whether you’re eager to avoid the traffic and know that there’s a parking space waiting for you when you head to campus each day or you have a parking space on or near campus that you aren’t using but would like to turn into side income, contact us! We’ll work with you to help you discover more about how you can make parking easier than ever.