Boosting ROI with Tenant-Focused Online Access
In the competitive real estate world, providing conveniences that cater to the kind of tenants and residents your property hopes to attract is undoubtedly essential. Nowadays, smart tech and online access are the name of the game. Knowing what tenants look for regarding amenities and aligning those wishes with your goals as a property is critical for a satisfactory return on investment (ROI). This blog will provide six tips to help your property stay focused on boosting ROI with tenant-focused online access that can enhance tenant satisfaction while increasing your bottom line.
6 Tips To Boost ROI
1. Efficient Maintenance Requests
A well-maintained property suits property owners, managers, tenants, and guests. While there will always be those handfuls of difficult tenants who always find something to complain about, most tenants/residents and their guests will have few complaints. Of those few complaints, they usually revolve around maintenance issues such as appliances on the fritz, unfamiliar noises from the vents of the AC unit, or maybe problems revolving around pest control.
A timely response to issues like these is of the essence for sure. This is where tenant-focused online access can help when these situations arise and boost your ROI. Implementing property management software that allows online access for all tenants and residents certainly helps eliminate a lot of headaches, keeps lines of communication flowing between necessary parties, and helps attract new tenants via state-of-the-art property technology.
2. Embrace Online Payments
If your property still relies on checks for rent payments, it is genuinely impressive that you can still lure in new tenants and residents. With this old-school way of payment, you need to pay attention to tenant retention and timely payments. Make payment easier for yourself and your tenants and embrace online payment processing.
Nowadays, tenants prefer online payment methods. Luckily for you and your property, most property management systems offer in-app payment options for tenants. By investing in a user-friendly online payment interface, you will be boosting your property’s ROI.
3. Online Applications
Finding the right tenants who meet your criteria can be difficult, especially considering how competitive the real estate world is. That is why streamlining your online application is of the utmost importance. Instead of handling the detailed paper records of each applicant, including background checks and all other pertinent information, transition to an online application platform.
When your property uses property management software, it frequently provides tools and features that allow for online applications and even handles background checks for you. This is, without a doubt, another great avenue to boost your ROI with tenant-focused online access.
4. Pet-Friendly Amenities
These days, people’s pets are their children, and they dote and cater to their four-legged babies. To attract pet owners, it is essential to have a pet-friendly policy, but it’s worth brainstorming over which pet-friendly amenities your property will provide. These can include designated walking paths with waste stations, a dog-washing station, doggy daycare, etc.
Additionally, remember that pet owners often rely on services such as Rover. For the dogwalkers to gain access to the property, having access control is an absolute must.
5. Automation
More often than not, people are tech-savvy. So catering to these tech wizards is a smart move regarding boosting your ROI. These individuals will feel at home by offering automated services and online communication options. These services could include smart home features, license plate recognition technology for the parking garage, and guest parking automation.
Automation is something almost every real estate property is transitioning to. In an overly competitive real estate market, do not let your property be one of the last to upgrade. Stay relevant and up-to-date, and boost your ROI with automation today!
6. Streamlined Parking Operations
Efficient parking operations are critical to boosting ROI for any property. Smart parking solutions providers like ParqEx have years of experience in property technology and parking management software (which, yes, can integrate with any other system your property may be using). With IoT (Internet of Things) integration, cloud-hosted technology, and ParqEx’s mobile apps, parking operations are streamlined at every parking facility using ParqEx’s property technology.
Moreover, ParqEx’s smart parking solutions help facilitate parking and property management on-site. Property owners can use ParqEx’s platform to manage their parking spaces, set pricing, handle all guest parking, and enforce their property with various lines of access control working in tandem with ParqEx’s Enforcer app.
Boosting ROI with tenant-focused online access will enhance tenant satisfaction, reduce operational expenses, and ultimately make your property highly sought after. For more innovative ideas on optimizing your properties for efficiency and profitability, contact ParqEx.