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7-Holiday Road Trip Tips - Holiday Blog - ParqEx

7-Holiday Road Trip Tips

Another holiday season has officially arrived! Kids are sending their wishlists to Santa, parents tell themselves they won’t last-minute shop like they did last year, and people are planning their holiday menus and guestlists. Are you signing up for a road trip this holiday season? Thought so! Here is a quick list of 7-holiday road trip tips!

Property Technology For Coworking Spaces - ParqEx Long-Form Blog WP

Property Technology For Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces are for creative, unconventional, entrepreneurial-minded individuals who feel the need to do something different; to break the mold. They do not want to be confined by previously set rules; they want to change how the world works.

With that in mind, to attract these entrepreneurs to your coworking space, you need your property to have impressive technology in place. For individuals who aspire for change and innovation, it is no surprise that they will be looking for a coworking space with state-of-the-art technology to support their innovative needs. The old key and fob system no longer cut it! Coworking space property managers and owners: are you looking for ways to draw in new clientele and increase your company’s overall efficiency? See how ParqEx’s property technology can fit your coworking spaces needs. Keep on reading below.