Why On-Campus Access Control Is The New Trend
With on-campus access control technologies, any door, elevator, dorm room, classroom, athletic facility, library, and common area will be secured.
With on-campus access control technologies, any door, elevator, dorm room, classroom, athletic facility, library, and common area will be secured.
We’re moving toward the middle of the fall semester, which means that almost every college student has dealt with a crucial issue at least once. No, we’re not talking about midterms or a paper that just doesn’t want to get done. We’re talking about parking options on college campuses, which tends to be frustrating at best, and…
We all know that feeling of finding that sweet parking spot, but for many students at colleges and universities across the country, both students and faculty are not experiencing this pleasant emotion. While tuition and enrollment both continue to rise, parking facilities are not keeping up with the pace. According to figures from the National…