How to find a spot

Need a place to park? Get access to our exclusive private parking inventory in seconds. Here’s how easy it is…

Number One demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

How to find a spot

Choose “Find a spot.” Enter your arrival date and time and your departure date and time for when you need a spot, as well as an address that you’d like to find parking near. You can park hourly, daily, weekly, or even monthly.

Number 2 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Find your perfect spot

The ParqEx app will show you a list of all the spots that meet your criteria, starting with the closest spots to your preferred destination. If you are a more visual person, toggle the “map” view to see your search results plotted on the fully interactive map.

Number 3 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Choose your spot

Tap on the listing for the spot you wish to rent. Here, you can review details, photos, and community-based reviews for the spot. If you have more questions about the spot, you can contact the owner directly. If you’re ready to rent, tap the “book it” button.

Number Four 3840753 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Book your spot!

If this is your first booking on ParqEx, you will need to enter in vehicle and payment information, which will be saved as your default. Confirm your order details on the next screen, and your parking spot is booked! You just found the perfect parking spot without having to leave your seat.

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New to ParqEx? Here’s a Quick Overview…

ParqEx is the provider of commercial and individual smart parking solutions. We use our proprietary technology to help “unlock” the value of privately-owned, “self-managed” parking spaces that are often underutilized and/or difficult to manage. Read on for some of the top features of ParqEx.

Technology 0003 Marketplace 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Marketplace Horizontal Color 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Start earning easy, additional income by listing your parking spot during the days or times you aren’t using it. Need a parking spot and want to avoid the headaches of searching for parking? Access our exclusive inventory of private parking spots and reserve it ahead of time— just arrive and park!

Technology 0001 Accessplus 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Accessplus Accessplusapp Horiz 1 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

With the Access+ by ParqEx, residents and approved visitors can open any electronic door, garage door, gate elevators and more from their smartphones! Just open the Access+ on the ParqEx app, tap the button to control the entry point, and you’re in!

Technology 0002 Guestparq 1 600 X 533 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0000 Color 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

GuestParq​ ​by​ ​ParqEx eliminates the hassle of managing visitors and makes your guests’ lives easier when they arrive. Now, you can reserve parking spots for your guests, which means their spot will be reserved waiting for them when they arrive on the property. GuestParq improves security for you and your guests, while making it easier to visit.

ParqEx Video Tour + How to Find a Spot Frequently Asked Questions

VIDEO: Find a Spot on the ParqEx Mobile App

VIDEO: GuestParq Guest Parking Overview

VIDEO: See Access+ by ParqEx in Action

How do I find a spot on the ParqEx app?

To find a spot on the ParqEx Private Parking Marketplace is as easy as searching for where you need parking, putting in the days and times you need to park, and choosing from the results listed. Once you find a spot that fits where and when you need it, just book it and it will be waiting for you when you arrive. Learn more about how to find a spot on ParqEx here.


How do I access my parking spot?

Each owner’s parking spot is unique. It may be a simple spot with an obvious location, or it may be a numbered spot in a larger parking lot. Other owners will include photos and instructions for where and how to access their specific spots. Some properties may also feature Access+ by ParqEx and will provide you authorized access through the ParqEx app for the duration of your reservation. Learn more about accessing parking spots here.


How much does it cost to book a private parking spot on ParqEx?

The ParqEx Private Parking Marketplace is exactly that— a marketplace. The owners of the parking spots set the pricing entirely on their own accord, so the price of a parking spot will vary based on how the owners prices it, when and how long you’re looking to book a spot, its location, etc. ParqEx simply collects a small transaction fee for each reservation. There are no subscriptions, fees, or otherwise paid by the renters to use the ParqEx platform.

Can I contact the owner of the parking spot in the ParqEx app?

Yes! Once inside the ParqEx Marketplace, you can contact the owner of any parking spot immediately with a simple tap of a button. You can ask whatever you need to ask the parking owners. Please note- it’s up to the owner to respond. ParqEx does not monitor or have insight into your private conversations. If you need ParqEx support, you can contact us at any time. Learn more here.


Where can I learn more?

We have tons of information, more Q&A, support, how-tos and more in our online knowledgebase.

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