Commercial & Individual Smart Parking Solutions

ParqEx is the Smart Parking Solutions Provider. We use our proprietary technology to help “unlock” the value of privately-owned, “self-managed” parking spaces that are often underutilized and/or difficult to manage.

Building Icons Small Buildersanddevelopers demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Builders & Developers

Generate revenue quickly, reduce expense, increase the value of your property. Our parking solutions for developers achieves all of this, using the assets you already have.
Find out how.

Building Icons Small Condosandhoas 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Condo & HOA

Reduce your operating costs, lock down security, solve guest parking issues. ParqEx has a bespoke parking solution for condos and HOA that can help save time and money.
Find out more.

Building Icons Small Propertymanagers 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Property Managers

Improve security, add revenue, reduce workloads. Our smart parking solutions for forward-thinking Property Managers know saved time and effort on parking leads to more retention and renewals. See why.

Building Icons Small Residents demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Residents & Guests

With a tap on the app, reserve parking spots in advance for you or your guests. ParqEx’s parking solution solves the headaches of finding and booking guest parking and accessing doors and gates. Learn more.

Building Icons Small Individuals 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


Find or rent out a private parking spot. Need somewhere to park for a month, week, day, or hour? Book a spot before ever getting in your car. Own a spot? List it when you aren’t using it and earn easy, bonus cash. Here’s how.

Building Icons Small Multifamilyproperties demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.


Increase revenue, satisfy residents, add a valued amenity. Our parking solutions for owner-operators Multifamily residential real estate increases rental retention and builds a new revenue stream when parking becomes an amenity. See how.

Building Icons Small Enforcement 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Enforcement & Security

Save time and cost, increase security, become bulletproof against enforcement mistakes. ParqEx’s parking solutions for security agencies and enforcement providers makes it easier to patrol lots, issue tickets or tow unauthorized vehicles while reducing errors. Let us show you.

Reserve Parking Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly

Have a parking spot to rent?   LIST YOUR SPOT

The Smart Parking Technology

Parqex Marketplace Horizontal Color 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The Private Parking Marketplace

Start earning easy, additional income by listing your parking spot during the days or times you aren’t using it. Need a parking spot and want to avoid the headaches of searching for parking? Access our exclusive inventory of private parking spots and reserve it ahead of time— just arrive and park!


Also available on any internet browser at

Technology 0003 Marketplace 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Technology 0001 Accessplus 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Accessplus Accessplusapp Horiz 1 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Managing doors, garages, gates, & access points just got easier.


With the Access+ by ParqEx, residents and approved visitors can open any electronic door, garage door, gate elevators and more from their smartphones. Property owners, managers and condo boards can simplify management and improve security and control of the property, adding a much valued amenity to the property. And Access+ removes the hassle of managing individuals coming and going from their property with added security.

Also available in the Access+ product suite:

Accesspluspremium Animation Frame 3 2 Gif demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Pull up. Get in.

Pull up to the access point in an authorized vehicle. The License Plate Reader automatically scans and provides access. No phone needed. Learn more!

Accessplustouchless Animation Frame Fullanimation 1 1 Gif demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

No-touch door handles.

Authorized visitors can access any locked, interior and exterior pedestrian doors using their smartphone. No keys, fobs, or touching. Learn more!

Guestparq Parqex Privateguestparking 0000 Color 1 300 X 95 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Guest parking solution

GuestParq​ ​by​ ​ParqEx eliminates the hassle of managing visitors and makes your guests’ lives easier when they arrive. Now, you can reserve parking spots for your guests, which means their spot will be waiting for them when they arrive on the property. GuestParq also improves security for residents and their guests.

Technology 0002 Guestparq 1 600 X 533 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Technology 0000 Enforcement 600 X 533 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Enforcer App Horizontal Color 300 X 104 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

The easiest parking enforcement

The Enforcer app from ParqEx allows you to see exactly what vehicles should be in your lot and when. With our simple dashboard, immediately see who is and isn’t supposed to be on your property. Enforcer app tracks it all.


Feature Parking Management Technology 69 X 45 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Parking management technology

Control the number, availability, and price of your guest parking spaces. Allow residents to make their spaces available, or do it for them.

Feature Garage Door Opener 62 X 45 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Digital garage door opener

Provide guests secure parking access during their stay without giving a physical item with Access+.

Feature Guest Parking 59 X 45 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Guest parking made easy

GuestParq allows residents to transfer parking passes to guests prior to their arrival.

Simpler Access Management 45 X 45 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Simpler access management

No need for decals or QR code readers (but we still support decal and QR readers if you want them).

Feature Parking Enforcement Tools 40 X 45 1 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Real-time enforcement tools

See exactly which vehicle should be in which spot and when, plus which resident the car is associated with.

Feature Paperless Ticketing 60 X 45 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Paperless ticketing system

Enforcer app lets you manage repeat parking violators without paper tickets (although we support printed tickets if you want them).

Feature Secure Parking Technology 48 X 45 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Secure, always-on technology

ParqEx technology is cloud-hosted for the highest performance, security, and reliability.

Feature Cross Platform Convenience 41 X 45 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Cross-platform convenience

ParqEx technology is seamless across platforms, including desktop, iOS, Android, Windows, & more.

Latest News & Articles

Featured In

Press 0000 Nbc News 2013 Logo 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Cbs 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Press 0001 Fast Company 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Crains 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Entrepreneur 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Forbes 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Wall Street Journal 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.
Parqex Commercial Individual Smart Parking Solutions Huffpost 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.