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Multifamily Amenities demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

7 Multifamily Amenities Your Complex Needs

If you are managing or developing a multi-family complex, you know that you have to compete for tenants with those multifamily amenities without undercutting other developments on rent. The solution to this is to offer high-quality amenities that will attract families and tenants, without breaking the bank. Here are seven great suggestions: 1. Parking Parking…

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Multifamily Roi 1 demonstrating ParqEx's smart parking technology in action.

Multifamily ROI Impacted by Technology Solutions

From cooking and fitness to driving and parking, IoT has found its place in our daily lives, and it would seem IoT tech is here to stay. Fortunately, the changes these technologies have made are pretty incredible and very positive for real estate owners and property management, making it easy to accept such an enormous…

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